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Behn, Aphra

Entry updated 20 May 2024. Tagged: Author, Theatre.

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(1640-1689) UK playwright, spy (under the name Astrea), translator, poet and author now recognized as probably the first Englishwoman to earn her living entirely by writing; active from some undetermined point in the 1660s. Though she obscured her childhood thoroughly, it is now thought that she was probably born Eaffrey Johnson (the supposition that she was born in America has not been satisfactorily confirmed); in 1663 she was in the British colony of Surinam with members of her family, where she first became involved in political intrigues. She married on her return to England in 1664. Little is known of her husband, who was a merchant, probably of Dutch origin, possibly named Johann Behn, and who died within two years of their marriage. In 1666 Behn was employed by Charles II as a spy in Antwerp during the Dutch War. After a stint in debtor's prison she produced her first play, The Forc'd Marriage, in 1670; it was followed by at least eighteen others, which typically satirized the excesses of Restoration society though she remained a passionate advocate of the Stuart cause.

Although various examples of Proto SF are cited, her play The Emperor of the Moon: A Farce (1687) is a Commedia Dell'Arte farce taken fairly directly from Arlequin Empereur dans la Lune (performed Paris 1684) by Nolant de Fatouville (?   -1715) [for Commedia Dell'Arte see The Encyclopedia of Fantasy under links below]. Behn emphatically and explicitly treats her protagonist as a Don Quixote figure bamboozled by books on astronomy, and deceived by his daughter and her lover into sanctioning their marriage to a burlesque Emperor of the Moon. Her novella, Oroonoko, Or The Royal Slave: A True History (1688 chap), directly inspired by her period in Surinam, tells of an African king and his lover who are enslaved, lead a revolt and are cruelly killed. It has clear links with much of the Utopian writing of the time, notably in its depiction of African society before enslavement and in the aspirations of Oroonoko, and is remarkable as one of the earliest works to protest against the slave trade. In the mug's game of attempting to identify the first "proper" English novel, it precedes anything by Daniel Defoe; but this is a game dependent on contentious definitions, and works of prose fiction like Margaret Cavendish's The Blazing World (1666) are part of a long parade of tales (see Proto SF) with Feminist implications in which Behn is clearly enlisted. Thomas Southerne (1660-1746) adapted Oroonoko (performed 1695 Theatre-Royal, London; 1696) for the stage in a version that became for a while better known that the original, but which underplayed the anti-Slavery element in favour of increased melodrama. She is also of indirect sf interest for her translation of Bernard Le Bovyer de Fontenelle's Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes habités (1686; exp 1687; trans as A Discovery of New Worlds 1688).

Though not immune from patriarchal derision occasioned by her sex, Behn personally suffered relatively little from the fact she was a woman; but the literary establishment in later centuries – particularly the nineteenth – found her sex, her candour and her professional career impossible to contemplate with anything approaching fairness, and she was effectively excised from the record. Over the past century, however, she has been increasingly recognized as a central Restoration figure. [PKi/JC]

Aphra Behn

born Harbledown, near Canterbury, Kent: 14 December 1640

died London: 16 April 1689


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