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Pedreira, David

Entry updated 13 May 2024. Tagged: Author.

(?   -    ) US journalist and author whose Near Future sf novel Gunpowder Moon (2018) focuses on crises in mining the Moon in 2072, a decade after Climate Change has ruined the home planet. Various partially crippled imperial domains (see Imperialism) survive, including America and China, and continue their savage spats. Sabotage and conspiracies on the Moon are uncovered by the protagonist, Caden Dechert, who is a weary vet; the action builds inexorably; Dechert is forced to respond. The Never Wars (2023), similarly to Joe Haldeman's similarly titled The Forever War (1974), subjects its band of soldiers to the Relativity effects of long interstellar journeys; the Military SF emphasis of this tale marks it apart from its predecessor. [JC]

David Pedreira




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