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Andre-Driussi, Michael

Entry updated 5 December 2022. Tagged: Author, Critic, Editor.

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(1962-    ) US scholar and author best known for his elucidative bibliographical, lexicographical and archaeological investigations into the decipherment of the more difficult texts of Gene Wolfe. His illuminating guide to Wolfe's The Book of the New Sun sequence in Lexicon Urthus: A Dictionary for the Urth Cycle (1994; exp 2008) – see Checklist below for ancillary pamphlets later integrated into the 2008 edition – substrates any speculation about that work's Politics or Cosmology, as well as pointing to the complexities of Christian typology Religion it presents. Gate of Horn, Book of Silk: A Guide to Gene Wolfe's The Book of the Long Sun and The Book of the Short Sun (2012) performs the same function for The Book of the Long Sun and The Book of the Short Sun. A similar intensity of exact reading informs his Vance Space (1997 chap), describing the many planets devised by Jack Vance. He also edited with Alice K Turner the first (and only) collection of essays on the works of John Crowley, Snake's Hands: A Chapbook About the Fiction of John Crowley (anth 2001 chap; much exp vt Snake's Hands: The Fiction of John Crowley 2003).

Andre-Driussi was Senior Fiction Editor for the now defunct sf magazine Aberrations from 1993-1996. Although he has published an isolated article on the SF Music of David Bowie and Gary Numan, and another on the Role Playing Game Traveller, he has focused more of his scholarly attention on the subject of what he calls "real sf" or "true sf" anime, and has published articles and reviews in The New York Review of Science Fiction and the Internet Review of Science Fiction on the subject since 2003. In his January 2009 review "Mushi-shi: More Anime for a Real SF Audience" in The New York Review of Science Fiction #245, Andre-Driussi's search for "real sf" anime that matches his own sense of written sf – begun in "'Real SF' Anime for People Who Don't Watch Anime" (January 2004 The New York Review of Science Fiction) – has developed into a search for anime selected for a "real sf" audience, a shift that reflects an awareness of anime traditions independent of influences by Anglophone sf. As an author of fiction in his own right, he began publishing professional work of genre interest with "Tex of the Dobermans" for Aberrations #17 in February 1994; his Parodies of what might be called pulp Scientific Romance idioms are exact and arousing. The Jizmatic Trilogy (coll 2017; rev 2018) is a collection of three stories based on the premise that Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote The Naked Lunch and set it on Mars. [JC/CPa/DRL]

see also: GURPS.

Michael Andre-Driussi

born California: 1962




Gene Wolfe

Jack Vance

works as editor


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