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Science Fiction: A Review of Speculative Literature

Entry updated 20 November 2013. Tagged: Publication.


Australian critical magazine edited by Van Ikin from the University of Sydney and later University of Western Australia; associate ed Terry Dowling; irregular; Pulp-magazine format, 45 or perhaps 46 issues 1977-2009, apparently current. Intended to be a reputable academic journal, as the editorial addresses suggest, Science Fiction: A Review of Speculative Literature has oscillated a little uneasily between the academic and the fannish, but has nevertheless published good critical features. Until the more regular and perhaps livelier Australian Science Fiction Review: Second Series appeared in 1986, this was the main repository for Australian sf criticism (especially since its main rival, SF Commentary, was notably irregular in the 1980s), publishing interesting material by its editors and by Russell Blackford, George Turner and others. The very irregular publication means letters and reviews often seem out of date even as they appear. As indicated on the website [see links below], there was a very long hiatus between the appearance of #44 in 2002 and #45 in 2008. [PN/DRL]


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