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Site updated on 3 February 2025
Sponsor of the day: Andy Richards of Cold Tonnage Books

Sarrantonio, Al

(1952-2025) US editor and author who began publishing work of genre interest with "Ahead of the Joneses" in Asimov's for March 1979. Much of his work was horror, sometimes tinged with sf (see Horror in SF), including his first novel, The Worms (1985), a Gothic tale set in Massachusetts with hints of H P Lovecraft; and the Equipoisal Moonbane ...

World Will Shake, The

French film (1939). Original title Le Monde Tremblera; vt The World Will Tremble; vt La Révolt des Vivants. Based on La Machine à prédire la mort (October 1938-January 1939 Ric et Rac; 1939) by Francis Didelot and Charles Robert-Dumas. Compagnie Industrielle et Commerciale Cinématographique (CICC). Directed by Richard Pottier. Written by Henri-Georges ...

MacCloud, Malcolm

(?   -    ) US author of two sf juveniles for Young Adult readers. The Tera Beyond (1981) is a thriller set on the planet Tera, where a student makes the Discovery, at the risk of his freedom, that microbes are inherently dual in nature, suggesting the existence of Parallel Worlds. Rather similarly, though less plausibly, A Gift of Mirrorvax ...

Walton, Nathan

(?   -?   ) US author of Utopia Right Around the Corner (Non-Factual: A Story of Fiction Told as if it were Factual) (1941), a Future History beginning in 1942, early in the presidency of Henry A Wallace (1888-1965), presumably after the death of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, as he was in reality vice-president until 1945. Under Wallace, rapid action is taken towards the transformation of America into a socialist ...

Wolfe, Gary K

(1946-    ) US academic and author, associated with Roosevelt University in Chicago since 1971; as Dean of University College between 1981 and 1990; married to Dede Weil from 1997 until her death in 2000. Some of his earlier essays, like "The Known and the Unknown: Structure and Image in Science Fiction" (in Many Futures, Many Worlds, anth 1977, ed Thomas B Clareson), prefigured the ...

Langford, David

(1953-    ) UK author, critic, editor, publisher and sf fan, in the latter capacity recipient of 21 Hugo awards for fan writing – some of the best of his several hundred pieces are assembled as Let's Hear It for the Deaf Man (coll 1992 chap US; much exp vt The Silence of the Langford 1996; exp 2015 ebook) as Dave Langford, edited by Ben Yalow – plus five Best Fanzine Hugos ...

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