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Site updated on 3 February 2025
Sponsor of the day: Andy Richards of Cold Tonnage Books

Sarrantonio, Al

(1952-2025) US editor and author who began publishing work of genre interest with "Ahead of the Joneses" in Asimov's for March 1979. Much of his work was horror, sometimes tinged with sf (see Horror in SF), including his first novel, The Worms (1985), a Gothic tale set in Massachusetts with hints of H P Lovecraft; and the Equipoisal Moonbane ...

Yamazaki Haruya

(1938-2002) Japanese author and scenarist who wrote dozens of Anime scripts in the 1970s and 1980s. Having worked part-time for Osamu Tezuka's Mushi Production while still a student at Waseda University, Yamazaki found full-time employment at the studio as a production manager after graduation. He sold his first television anime script in 1966, and soon became a prolific contributor to many shows in the sports and children's genres. His ...

Pearson, Drew

Working name of US newspaper and radio columnist Andrew Russell Pearson (1897-1969), famed for effective though sometimes ill-researched muckraking attacks on usually deserving targets; of sf interest is The President (1970), set in a Near Future America where Paranoia and political expediency and assassination attempts have created a Dystopian land, which President Hannaford, after winning ...

Eustace, Robert

Working name of UK physician and author Eustace Robert Barton (circa 1868-1943), known for his collaborations on crime novels with several authors, including L T Meade, Edgar Jepson and Dorothy L Sayers (1893-1957); the 1897-1898 John Bell sequence of short stories with Meade, assembled as A Master of Mysteries (coll of linked stories 1898), appears to feature – but does not, as the tales are all ...

Levitin, Sonia

(1934-    ) German-born teacher and author, in the US from 1938 (though many members of her family died in the Final Solution), much of whose work is designed for younger children, and many of whose Young Adult novels are nonfantastic. Those of sf interest include The Cure (1999), set in the twenty-fifth century, a Utopian world which punishes excessively deviant behaviour by giving nonconformists, via ...

Robinson, Roger

(1943-    ) UK computer programmer, bibliographer and publisher, active in UK Fandom for many years. The Writings of Henry Kenneth Bulmer (1983 chap; rev 1984 chap) is an exhaustive Bibliography of one of the most prolific sf writers, Kenneth Bulmer, and Who's Hugh?: An SF Reader's Guide to Pseudonyms (1987) is similarly exhaustive in its ...

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