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Site updated on 20 January 2025
Sponsor of the day: Ted Chiang

Lynch, David

(1946-2025) US actor, artist and musician and primarily filmmaker whose work extended Surrealism into mainstream Cinema and Television. Lynch's films tend to examine the uneasy truce between rationality and the unconscious mind by revealing how intimations of Sex, Identity and death make themselves felt in modern American communities. The term Lynchian was defined by David Foster ...

Slater, W H

(?   -?   ) UK author in whose sf novel, The Golden Load (1926), a scientist's Discovery of the secret of synthesizing gold (see Transmutation) leads to worldwide Disaster. [JC]

M-Brane SF

US downloadable and print-on-demand Online Magazine published and edited by Christopher Fletcher, initially in Oklahoma City, and from April 2010 in St Louis, and became part of M-Brane Press. It was published monthly, with occasional delays, from January 2009 to June 2011, with a final thirtieth issue in February 2012. The print version was letter size and the small print meant that although the early issues ran to about fifty pages, these probably ...

Danvers, Dennis

(1947-    ) US author who concentrated on fantasy and horror for the first part of his career, which began with Wilderness (1991), an effective werewolf novel; he began writing sf novels with the Circuit of Heaven sequence comprising Circuit of Heaven (1998) and End of Days (1999), set in a somewhat fantasticated, highly febrile Virtual Reality environment, dominated by an afterworld-like ...

Tonari no Totoro

Animated film (1988 Japan; trans as My Neighbor Totoro 1988 US but not released until 1993). Studio Ghibli. Directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Written by Hayao Miyazaki. Cast includes Noriko Hidaka, Chika Sakamoto and Hitoshi Takagi. 86 minutes. Colour. / Professor Kusakabe (Takagi) takes his daughters Satsuki (Hidaka) and Mei (Sakamoto) to the Japanese countryside, in an attempt to distract them from their mother's ...

Clute, John

(1940-    ) Canadian critic, editor and author, in the UK from 1969; married to Judith Clute from 1964, partner of Elizabeth Hand since 1996. He began to publish work of genre interest with an sf-tinged poem "Carcajou Lament" in Triquarterly for Winter 1960 [ie Autumn 1959]; he began consistently publishing sf reviews in his "New Fiction" column for the Toronto Star (1966-1967), and later in ...

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