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Tuesday 18 February 2025
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Site updated on 17 February 2025
Sponsor of the day: The League of Fan Funds
Moore, Chris
(1947-2025) Prolific UK artist, known to the public primarily for his hard-edged treatment of Hard SF subjects, although in fact he produced covers in different styles for all sorts of other genres as well, including illustrations of record sleeves for artists as diverse as Rod Stewart, Fleetwood Mac, Status Quo and Pentangle. What impressed most about Moore's sf art was not just the photographic realism but the sense of scale, achieved largely through a ...
Black, Pansy E
(1890-1957) US stenographer and short story author, born Pansy Ellen Beach, whose two stories for Hugo Gernsback's Science Fiction Series are located in Australia. The Valley of the Great Ray (1930 chap) is a Lost Race tale set in the desert, while The Man from the Meteor (1932 chap) features invading Aliens who also hole up in the ...
Super Detective Library
UK Comic (1953-1961). The Amalgamated Press, Ltd. 188 issues. Title changed to Super Detective Picture Library from #155 (1959). Artists include Arnold Beauvais, Bill Lacey, Oliver Passingham and Ron Turner. Writers include Conrad Frost, Bob Keston and Harry Harrison. Cover in colour, strips in black and white. / About 30% of ...
Carter, Chris
(1956- ) US Television and film producer and director, the central figure behind The X-Files (1993-2002), which was enormously successful, and the psychic/supernatural thriller series Millennium (1996-1999), which was not. He co-wrote the movie novelization for The X-Files: Fight the Future (see The X-Files), ...
Bulychev, Kir
Pseudonym of Russian historian, translator and author Igor Mozheiko (1934-2003), known also for books of popular science. Kir – he sometimes lengthened this to Kirill – Bulychev first gained popularity through light and intelligent stories, assembled in volumes like Tchudesa v Gusliaro (coll 1972; trans Roger DeGaris, with additional material, as Gusliar Wonders 1983), Liudi Kak Liudi ["Men Who Are Like Men"] (coll 1975), Letneie Utro ...
Clute, John
(1940- ) Canadian critic, editor and author, in the UK from 1969; married to Judith Clute from 1964, partner of Elizabeth Hand since 1996. He began to publish work of genre interest with an sf-tinged poem "Carcajou Lament" in Triquarterly for Winter 1960 [ie Autumn 1959]; he began consistently publishing sf reviews in his "New Fiction" column for the Toronto Star (1966-1967), and later in ...