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Tuesday 18 February 2025
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Site updated on 17 February 2025
Sponsor of the day: The League of Fan Funds
Moore, Chris
(1947-2025) Prolific UK artist, known to the public primarily for his hard-edged treatment of Hard SF subjects, although in fact he produced covers in different styles for all sorts of other genres as well, including illustrations of record sleeves for artists as diverse as Rod Stewart, Fleetwood Mac, Status Quo and Pentangle. What impressed most about Moore's sf art was not just the photographic realism but the sense of scale, achieved largely through a ...
Bogdanov, Alexander
Pseudonym of Russian philosopher, physician, revolutionary figure, and author Alexander Alexandrovich Malinovsky (1873-1928), a leading member of the Bolshevik party 1903-1909, more radical than his ultimately successful rival, Vladimir Lenin, and the author of a vast treatise, Empiriomonizm: Stat'i po Filosofii ["Empiriomonism: Articles on Philosophy"] (1904-1906 3vols), in which he attempted to ground Marxism in contemporary philosophy. After his expulsion from the party ...
Mandel, Emily St John
(1979- ) Canadian-born journalist and author, in the US from early adulthood, of sf interest for her fourth novel, Station Eleven (2014), in which the sudden death on stage of an actor performing William Shakespeare's King Lear (performed circa 1605) precipitates (or marks) the onslaught of a deadly Pandemic (see Disaster); a young girl, also on ...
Atholl, Justin
Pseudonym of UK journalist and author Thomas Sidney Denham (1906-1968), who wrote nonfiction under his own name. As by Justin Atholl, Denham wrote several very short sf novels, which appeared obscurely but nevertheless are of some interest. Death in the Green Fields (1944 chap) features a death-dealing fungus. Land of Hidden Death (1944 chap) is a Lost-World tale. The Oasis of Sleep (1944 chap) invokes ...
McLaughlin, Dean
(1931- ) US author who began publishing sf with "For Those who Follow After" for Astounding in July 1951. Of his three sf novels to appear in book form – Dome World (March 1958 Astounding as "The Man on the Bottom"; exp 1962), The Fury from Earth (1963) and The Man Who Wanted Stars (fixup 1965) – the last is probably the best, though all of these straightforward ...
Langford, David
(1953- ) UK author, critic, editor, publisher and sf fan, in the latter capacity recipient of 21 Hugo awards for fan writing – some of the best of his several hundred pieces are assembled as Let's Hear It for the Deaf Man (coll 1992 chap US; much exp vt The Silence of the Langford 1996; exp 2015 ebook) as Dave Langford, edited by Ben Yalow – plus five Best Fanzine Hugos ...