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Friday 14 February 2025
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Site updated on 11 February 2025
Sponsor of the day: Glasgow 2024 (Worldcon)
Moore, Chris
(1947-2025) Prolific UK artist, known to the public primarily for his hard-edged treatment of Hard SF subjects, although in fact he produced covers in different styles for all sorts of other genres as well, including illustrations of record sleeves for artists as diverse as Rod Stewart, Fleetwood Mac, Status Quo and Pentangle. What impressed most about Moore's sf art was not just the photographic realism but the sense of scale, achieved largely through a ...
Keverne, Richard
Pseudonym of UK journalist and author Clifford James Wheeler Hosken (1882-1950), in active service during World War One, who wrote detective novels between 1926 and 1944, mostly as by Keverne, though occasionally under his own name; he was the first cousin of William Henry Martin Hosken, who wrote mostly as by Wyndham Martyn. Of some sf interest for its modest use of Scientific Romance ...
Carrasco, Jesús
Working name of Spanish author Jesús Carrasco Jaramillo (1972- ) in whose first novel, Intemperie (2013; trans Margaret Jull Costa as Out in the Open 2015), a young man engages in a trek across a savagely overheated desert landscape reminiscent of central Spain though hotter (see Climate Change), encountering savants and supernaturally intense Villains in his search for ...
Iced Earth
US metal band formed in Tampa, Florida in 1984, led by guitarist and songwriter Jon Schaffer (1968- ). Their Something Wicked Saga, comprising three albums, has nothing to do with Ray Bradbury, but does form an overarching sf concept about a race called the Setians who were the original inhabitants of Earth, directly descended from the creator of the universe. Humanity arrives on Earth seeking the secret of the Setians' knowledge ...
McGhee, Edward
(? - ) US author of two Future War novels: in Chinese Ultimatum (1976) with Robin Moore, a 1980s non-nuclear war between China and the USSR ultimately regionalizes a non-participant America; in The Last Caesar (1980), set a few years later in the same universe as the previous tale, a politically radical American president attempts to establish a welfare state but ...
Langford, David
(1953- ) UK author, critic, editor, publisher and sf fan, in the latter capacity recipient of 21 Hugo awards for fan writing – some of the best of his several hundred pieces are assembled as Let's Hear It for the Deaf Man (coll 1992 chap US; much exp vt The Silence of the Langford 1996; exp 2015 ebook) as Dave Langford, edited by Ben Yalow – plus five Best Fanzine Hugos ...