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Site updated on 3 February 2025
Sponsor of the day: John Howard

Sarrantonio, Al

(1952-2025) US editor and author who began publishing work of genre interest with "Ahead of the Joneses" in Asimov's for March 1979. Much of his work was horror, sometimes tinged with sf (see Horror in SF), including his first novel, The Worms (1985), a Gothic tale set in Massachusetts with hints of H P Lovecraft; and the Equipoisal Moonbane ...

Eliot, George

Pseudonym of UK author Mary Ann Evans (1819-1880), none of whose major works engage in the fantastic; her most famous novel, Middlemarch (1871-1872 4vols), is central to any study of nineteenth-century English literature. She is of sf interest for one frequently reprinted and commented-upon novelette, The Lifted Veil (July 1859 Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine; 2000 ebook), which focuses on various forms of ESP, including prescience (see ...

McDowell, Emmett

(1914-1975) US author who also wrote as Robert E McDowell, beginning his career after service in World War Two with The Happy Castaway (Spring 1945 Planet Stories; 2020 ebook). His work as author in other genres is various; he published several mystery novels, beginning with Switcheroo (1954 dos), none listed here, and as an historian specialized in regional studies of Kentucky. In his sf – ...

Bateman, Robert

(1922-1973) UK author, primarily involved in radio and television work. It is tentatively presumed that the three books here described are by this Robert Bateman (there are several). His version of The Hands of Orlac (1961) novelizes the 1960 film, which is based with some remoteness on the original novel, Les mains d'Orlac (15 May-12 July 1920 L'Intransigeant; 1921; trans as The Hands of Orlac 1929; new trans 1981) by Maurice ...

Starship Titanic

Videogame (1998). The Digital Village. Designed by Douglas Adams, Adam Shaikh, Emma Westecott. Platforms: Win (1998); Mac (1999). / Starship Titanic is a graphical Adventure which uses a first person view similar to that of Obsidian (1996) or The Journeyman Project (1993). As in ...

Clute, John

(1940-    ) Canadian critic, editor and author, in the UK from 1969; married to Judith Clute from 1964, partner of Elizabeth Hand since 1996. He began to publish work of genre interest with an sf-tinged poem "Carcajou Lament" in Triquarterly for Winter 1960 [ie Autumn 1959]; he began consistently publishing sf reviews in his "New Fiction" column for the Toronto Star (1966-1967), and later in ...

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