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Site updated on 17 February 2025
Sponsor of the day: The League of Fan Funds

Moore, Chris

(1947-2025) Prolific UK artist, known to the public primarily for his hard-edged treatment of Hard SF subjects, although in fact he produced covers in different styles for all sorts of other genres as well, including illustrations of record sleeves for artists as diverse as Rod Stewart, Fleetwood Mac, Status Quo and Pentangle. What impressed most about Moore's sf art was not just the photographic realism but the sense of scale, achieved largely through a ...

Roman, Steven A

(?   -    ) US author who began publishing work of genre interest with "The Ballad of Fancy Dan" (in Untold Tales of Spider-Man, anth 1997, ed Kurt Busiek and Stan Lee) with Ken Grobe. Further similar work includes X-Men: The Chaos Engine Trilogy, a Tie to the Marvel Comics universe, beginning with ...

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power

US animated tv series (2018-2020). DreamWorks Animation. Developed by/Executive Producer Noelle Stevenson. Directors include Jen Bennett, Roy Burdine and Mandy Clotworthy. Writers include Josie Campbell, Katherine Nolfi, Laura Sreebny and Noelle Stevenson. Voice cast includes Lauren Ash, Aimee Carrero, Karen Fukuhara, Morla Gorrondona, Keston John, AJ Michalka, Marcus Scribner, Lorraine Toussaint and Christine Woods. 52 24-minute episodes plus twelve shorts. Colour. / A reboot of ...

Barrett, Neal, Jr

(1929-2014) US author who worked extensively under his own name, and also as Victor Appleton, Chad Calhoun, Franklin W Dixon (a Stratemeyer House Name), Rebecca Drury and J D Hardin. He began publishing sf with "To Tell the Truth" in Galaxy for August 1960 and contributed with some regularity to the SF Magazines, much of this ...

Orlacs Hände

1. Austrian film (1924; vt The Hands of Orlac). Pan Film. Directed by Robert Wiene. Written by Louis Nerz, based on Les mains d'Orlac (15 May-12 July 1920 L'Intransigeant; 1921; trans as The Hands of Orlac 1929; new trans 1981) by Maurice Renard. Cast includes Carmen Cartellieri, Fritz Kortner, Alexandra Sorina and Conrad Veidt. 92 minutes, cut to 70 minutes. Black and ...

Langford, David

(1953-    ) UK author, critic, editor, publisher and sf fan, in the latter capacity recipient of 21 Hugo awards for fan writing – some of the best of his several hundred pieces are assembled as Let's Hear It for the Deaf Man (coll 1992 chap US; much exp vt The Silence of the Langford 1996; exp 2015 ebook) as Dave Langford, edited by Ben Yalow – plus five Best Fanzine Hugos ...

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