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Site updated on 20 January 2025
Sponsor of the day: The Telluride Institute

Lynch, David

(1946-2025) US actor, artist and musician and primarily filmmaker whose work extended Surrealism into mainstream Cinema and Television. Lynch's films tend to examine the uneasy truce between rationality and the unconscious mind by revealing how intimations of Sex, Identity and death make themselves felt in modern American communities. The term Lynchian was defined by David Foster ...

Lapine, Warren

(1964-    ) US heavy-metal musician (prior to his publishing career), author, editor and Small Press publisher who began to publish work of genre interest with "Desolation" for the Fanzine The Equinox in 1992. He has occasionally used the pseudonym Jamie Wild for stories published in his own magazines, in particular Absolute Magnitude [see below]. ...

Moskowitz, Dorothy

(1940-    ) US singer-songwriter, best known as lead vocalist of the experimental rock band The United States of America (1967-1968). Her solo album Rising to Eternity (2023) was inspired by the James Webb Space Telescope, and is in Moskowitz's words "a free-form fantasy" about what revelations it may open up. These include the discovery of Alien life forms, a planet of constantly raining metal, and previously unknown ...

Event Horizon [magazine]

1. US Online Magazine published by Walt Stoneburner and edited by Danny Adams of Roanoke, Virginia. It saw three issues Spring and Fall 1997 and Spring 1998 when the title was sold to Pamela Weintraub (see below). The magazine was something of an experiment for both Stoneburner and Adams, though they managed to put together three acceptable issues. Adams even secured a reprint from Nelson Bond, whom he knew locally. ...

Atlantis, the Lost Continent

Film (1961). Galaxy/MGM. Directed and produced by George Pal. Written by Daniel Mainwaring, based on Atalanta: A Story of Atlantis: A Fantasy with Music (1949), a play by Sir Gerald Hargreaves. Cast includes John Dall, Anthony Hall, Ed Platt and Joyce Taylor. 90 minutes. Colour. / A young Greek fisherman nets and becomes involved with a castaway who says she is a princess from ...

Langford, David

(1953-    ) UK author, critic, editor, publisher and sf fan, in the latter capacity recipient of 21 Hugo awards for fan writing – some of the best of his several hundred pieces are assembled as Let's Hear It for the Deaf Man (coll 1992 chap US; much exp vt The Silence of the Langford 1996; exp 2015 ebook) as Dave Langford, edited by Ben Yalow – plus five Best Fanzine Hugos ...

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