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Site updated on 17 February 2025
Sponsor of the day: The League of Fan Funds

Moore, Chris

(1947-2025) Prolific UK artist, known to the public primarily for his hard-edged treatment of Hard SF subjects, although in fact he produced covers in different styles for all sorts of other genres as well, including illustrations of record sleeves for artists as diverse as Rod Stewart, Fleetwood Mac, Status Quo and Pentangle. What impressed most about Moore's sf art was not just the photographic realism but the sense of scale, achieved largely through a ...

Hayles, Brian

(1931-1978) UK screenwriter, best known for his work on various Doctor Who projects (22 episodes for various extended stories between 1966 and 1974); his two books of sf interest are Doctor Who Ties: Doctor Who and the Curse of Peladon (1974) and Doctor Who and the Ice Warriors (1976), both based on his own scripts. [JC]

Mayne, William

(1928-2010) UK author whose work, more than a hundred titles, was published exclusively for children and Young Adult readers; he also wrote as Martin Cobalt, as Dynely James in collaboration with Dick Caesar, and as Charles Molin. His work is sometimes realistic, sometimes – especially in his later career – fantastic; the Fantasies, however, are treated in so down-to-earth a manner that more often than not they naturalize ...

Stalking the Night Fantastic

Role Playing Game (1983). Tri Tac Games. Designed by Richard Tucholka, Chris Belting. / While it is often reminiscent of the similarly titled Kolchak: The Night Stalker (1974-1975), Stalking the Night Fantastic takes a far more light-hearted approach to its investigations of the alien and the extraordinary. Players adopt the roles of agents of "Bureau 13", a secret branch of the ...

Sense of Wonder

A term used to describe the sensation which, according to the Cliché of fan criticism that goes back at least to the 1940s, good sf should inspire in the reader. In Metamorphoses of Science Fiction (1979) Darko Suvin summed up the attitude of many critics by describing the term as "another superannuated slogan of much SF criticism due for a deserved retirement into the same limbo as extrapolation". And yet ... / ...

Clute, John

(1940-    ) Canadian critic, editor and author, in the UK from 1969; married to Judith Clute from 1964, partner of Elizabeth Hand since 1996. He began to publish work of genre interest with an sf-tinged poem "Carcajou Lament" in Triquarterly for Winter 1960 [ie Autumn 1959]; he began consistently publishing sf reviews in his "New Fiction" column for the Toronto Star (1966-1967), and later in ...

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