Bioy Casares, Adolfo
Alphabetical Checklist
- The Adventures of a Photographer in La Plata (New York: E P Dutton/Obelisk, 1989)
- Antologia de la Literatura Fantástica (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial Sudamerica, 1940) with Jorge Luis Borges and Silvina Ocampo
- Antologia de la Literatura Fantástica (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial Sudamerica, 1965) with Jorge Luis Borges and Silvina Ocampo
- Asleep in the Sun (New York: Persea, 1978)
- The Book of Fantasy (New York: Viking, 1988) with Jorge Luis Borges and Silvina Ocampo
- Chronicles of Bustos Domecq (New York: E P Dutton, 1976) with Jorge Luis Borges
- Crónicas de Bustos Domecq (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial Losada, 1967) with Jorge Luis Borges
- De un mundo a otro ["From One World to Another"] (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Temas Grupas Editorial, 1998)
- Diario de la guerra del cerdo (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Emecé, 1969)
- Diary of the War of the Pig (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972)
- Dormir al sol (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Emecé, 1973)
- The Dream of Heroes (London: Quartet Books, 1987)
- El sueño del los héroes (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial Losada, 1954)
- The Invention of Morel (New York: New York Review Books, 2003)
- La aventura de un fotógrafo en La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Emecé Editores, 1985)
- La invención de Morel (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial Losada, 1940)
- The Invention of Morel; and Other Stories from "La trama celeste" (Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1964)
- La trama celeste ["The Celestial Plot"] (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Sur, 1948)
- Los que aman, odian (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Emecé, 1946) with Silvina Ocampo
- The Perjury of the Snow (New York: The Vanishing Rotating Triangle, 1964)
- Plan de evasión (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Emecé Editores, 1945)
- A Plan for Escape (New York: E P Dutton, 1975)
- Prólogo ["Prologue"] (Buenos Aires, Argentina: privately published, 1929)
- A Russian Doll and Other Stories (New York: New Directions, 1992)
- Seis problemas para Don Isidro Parodi (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Sur, 1942) with Jorge Luis Borges
- Selected Stories (New York: New Directions, 1994)
- Six Problems for Don Isidro Parodi (New York: E P Dutton, 1981) with Jorge Luis Borges
- Un campeón desparejo ["An Uneven Champion"] (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Tusquets Editores, 1993)
- Una magia modesta ["A Modest Magic"] (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Temas Grupas Editorial, 1997)
- Una muñeca rusa (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Tusquets Editores, 1991)
- Where There's Love, There's Hate (New York: Melville House, 2013) with Silvina Ocampo