Gorey, Edward
Alphabetical Checklist
- Amphigorey Again (Orlando, Florida: Harcourt, 2006)
- Amphigorey Also (New York: Congdon and Weed, 1983)
- Amphigorey (New York: G P Putnam's Sons, 1972)
- Amphigorey Too (New York: G P Putnam's Sons, 1975)
- The Black Doll: A Silent Screenplay (Petaluma, California: Pomegranate, 2009)
- Categor y: Fifty Drawings by Edward Gorey (New York: Gotham Book Mart, 1974)
- The Doubtful Guest (Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company, 1957)
- Dracula: A Toy Theater (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1979)
- The Dripping Faucet: Fourteen Hundred & Fifty-Eight Tiny, Tedious & Terrible Tales (Worcester, Massachusetts: Metacom Press, 1989)
- Edward Gorey's Haunted Looking Glass (New York: Avenel Books, 1984)
- The Epiplectic Bicycle (New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1969)
- Floating Worlds: The Letters of Edward Gorey & Peter F. Neumeyer (San Francisco, California: Pomegranate, 2011) with Peter F Neumeyer
- The Haunted Looking Glass: Ghost Stories Chosen and Illustrated by Edward Gorey (New York: Looking Glass Library, 1959)
- The Haunted Tea-Cosy: A Dispirited and Distasteful Diversion for Christmas (New York: Harcourt Brace and Company, 1997)
- The Headless Bust: A Melancholy Meditation on the False Millennium (New York: Harcourt Brace and Company, 1999)
- The Helpless Doorknob: A Shuffled Story (place and publisher not given, 1989)
- The Insect God (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1963)
- Q.R.V. (Boston, Massachusetts: Anne and David Bromer, 1989)
- The Raging Tide; Or, The Black Doll's Imbroglio (New York: Peter Weed Books, 1987)
- The Sinking Spell (New York: Ivan Obolensky, 1964)
- The Theatrical Adventures of Edward Gorey (San Francisco, California: Chronicle Books, 2024) with text by Carol Verburg
- The Universal Solvent (place not given: The Fantod Press, 1990)
- The Wuggly Ump (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: J B Lippincott Company, 1963)