Houellebecq, Michel
Alphabetical Checklist
- Anéantir ["Annihilation"] (Paris: Flammarion, 2022)
- Annihilation (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2024)
- Atomized (London: William Heinemann, 2000)
- The Elementary Particles (New York: Alfred A Knopf, 2000)
- Extension du domaine de la lutte (Paris: Maurice Nadeau, 1994)
- H.P. Lovecraft: Against the World, Against Life (New York: McSweeney's/Believer Books, 2005)
- H.P. Lovecraft: Contre le monde, contre la vie (Paris: Editions du Rocher, 1991)
- La carte et le territoir (Paris: Flammarion, 2010)
- La possibilité d'une île (Paris: Fayard, 2005)
- Lanzarote (London: William Heinemann, 2002)
- Lanzarote (Paris: Editions Flammarion, 2000)
- Les particules élémentaires (Paris: Editions Flammarion, 1998)
- The Map and the Territory (London: Heinemann, 2011)
- Plateforme (Paris: Editions Flammarion, 2001)
- Platform (London: William Heinemann, 2002)
- The Possibility of an Island (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2006)
- Soumission ["Submission"] (Paris: Flammarion, 2015)
- Submission (London: Heinemann, 2015)
- Whatever (London: Serpent's Tail, 1998)