Lewis, Anthony R
Alphabetical Checklist
- An Annotated Bibliography of Recursive Science Fiction (Framingham, Massachusetts: NESFA Press, 1990)
- The Best of Astounding (New York: Baronet Books, 1978) as Tony Lewis
- Concordance to Cordwainer Smith (Framingham, Massachusetts: NESFA Press, 1984)
- Concordance to Cordwainer Smith: Second Edition (Framingham, Massachusetts: NESFA Press, 1989)
- Concordance to Cordwainer Smith (Framingham, Massachusetts: NESFA Press, 2000)
- Index to Perry Rhodan, U.S. Edition 1-25 (Framingham, Massachusetts: NESFA Press, 1973)
- Index to Perry Rhodan, U.S. Edition 26-50 (Framingham, Massachusetts: NESFA Press, 1975)
- The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies, 1967 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: New England Science Fiction Association, 1968)
- The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies, 1966 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: New England Science Fiction Association, 1969)
- The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies, 1968 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: New England Science Fiction Association, 1969)
- The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies, 1969 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: New England Science Fiction Association, 1970)
- The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies, 1966-1970 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: New England Science Fiction Association, 1970)
- The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies, 1971-72 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: New England Science Fiction Association, 1973) with Andrew Adams Whyte
- The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies, 1973 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: New England Science Fiction Association, 1974) with Andrew Adams Whyte
- The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies, 1974 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: New England Science Fiction Association, 1975) with George Flynn and Andrew Adams Whyte
- The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies, 1975 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: New England Science Fiction Association, 1976) with Andrew Adams Whyte
- The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies, 1976 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: New England Science Fiction Association, 1977) with Jerry Boyajian and Andrew Adams Whyte
- The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies, 1979-80 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: New England Science Fiction Association, 1982) with Ann McCutchen, listed as editor, and Andrew Adams Whyte
- The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies, 1981 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: New England Science Fiction Association, 1982) with Ann McCutchen, listed as editor, and Andrew Adams Whyte
- The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies, 1977-78 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: New England Science Fiction Association, 1983) with Andrew Adams Whyte
- The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies, 1982 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: New England Science Fiction Association, 1983) with Ann McCutchen, listed as editor, and Andrew Adams Whyte
- The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies, 1983 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: New England Science Fiction Association, 1984) with Ann Broomhead, listed as editor, and Andrew Adams Whyte
- The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies, 1984 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: New England Science Fiction Association, 1985)
- The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies, 1985 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: New England Science Fiction Association, 1986)
- The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies, 1986 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: New England Science Fiction Association, 1988) with James A Mann, listed as editor
- The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies, 1987 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: New England Science Fiction Association, 1989) with James A Mann, listed as editor
- The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies, 1988 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: New England Science Fiction Association, 1990) with James A Mann, listed as editor
- The NESFA Index to the Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies, 1989 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: New England Science Fiction Association, 1992) with James A Mann, listed as editor
- Recursive Science Fiction (Framingham, Massachusetts: NESFA Press, 2008-current)