Matsuo Yumi
Alphabetical Checklist
- Ame Koi ["Love in the Rain"] (Tokyo: Shinchōsha, 2005)
- Anrakuisu Tantei Archie ["Archie the Armchair Detective"] (Tokyo: Sōgensha, 2003)
- Anrakuisu Tantei Archie Oranda Suigyū no Nazo ["Archie the Armchair Detective and the Mystery of the Dutch Water Buffalo"] (Tokyo: Sōgensha, 2003)
- Balloon Town no Dejinashi ["The Juggler of Balloon Town"] (Tokyo: Bungei Shunjū, 2002)
- Balloon Town no Satsujin ["The Murderer of Ballon Town"] (Tokyo: Hayakawa Shobō, 1994)
- Balloon Town no Temari-uta ["The Ball-game Song of Balloon Town"] (Tokyo: Bungei Shunjū, 2002)
- Black Angel (Tokyo: Kōfūsha, 1994)
- Fritz to Mangetsu no Yoru ["Fritz and the Night of the Full Moon"] (Tokyo: Popular-sha, 2008)
- Gender-jo no Toriko ["Prisoner of Gender"] (Tokyo: Hayakawa Shobō, 1996)
- Heartbreak Restaurant (Tokyo: Kōbunsha, 2005)
- Hito-kui Oni Maurice ["Maurice the Man-Eating Troll"] (Tokyo: Rironsha, 2008)
- Ichōsaka ["Gingko Hill"] (Tokyo: Kōbunsha, 2001)
- Ijigen Kafeterasu ["Coffee House in Another Dimension"] (Tokyo: Kōfūsha, 1989)
- Itsumo no Michi, Chigau no Kadono ["Same Street, Different Corner"] (Tokyo: Kōbunsha, 2005)
- Kyūgatsu no Koi to De'Au Made ["Until I Meet My Love in September"] (Tokyo: Shinchōsha, 2009)
- Max Mouse to Nakamatachi ["Max Mouse and Friends"] (Tokyo: Asahi Shinbun-sha, 1997)
- Osekkai ["Meddling"] (Tokyo: Gentōsha, 2000)
- Pippinella (Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1996)
- Runako no Kitchen ["Runako's Kitchen"] (Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1998)
- Spike (Tokyo: Kōbunsha, 2002)