Shaara, Michael
Alphabetical Checklist
- The Book (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2010)
- Citizen Jell (place not given: Antenna Books, 2014)
- Conquest Over Time (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2010)
- The Herald (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1981)
- Man of Distinction (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2016)
- The Noah Conspiracy (New York: Pocket Books, 1994)
- Orphans of the Void (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2016)
- The Sling and the Stone (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2021)
- Soldier Boy (New York: Pocket Books, 1982)
- Soldier Boy (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2016)
- The Vanisher (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2020)
- Wainer (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2010)