Shiel, M P
Alphabetical Checklist
Series – About the author
- Harold Billings. An Ossuary for M P Shiel: The Final Years, 1923-1947 (Bucharest, Romania: L'Homme récent, 2015)
- Harold Billings. M P Shiel: A Biography of his Early Years (Austin, Texas: Roger Beacham, 2005)
- Harold Billings. M P Shiel: The Middle Years, 1897-1923 (Austin, Texas: Roger Beacham, 2010)
- Brian M Stableford. "The Politics of Evolution: Philosophical Themes in the Speculative Fiction of M.P. Shiel" (February 1983 Foundation #27)
- A Reynolds Morse, editor. Shiel in Diverse Hands: A Collection of Essays (Cleveland, Ohio: The Reynolds Morse Foundation, 1983)
- A Reynolds Morse. The Works of M.P. Shiel: A Study in Bibliography (Los Angeles, California: Fantasy Publishing, 1948)
- A Reynolds Morse. The Works of M.P. Shiel – Updated (Dayton, Ohio: The Reynolds Morse Foundation, 1980)
- Sam Moskowitz. "The World, the Devil, and M.P. Shiel" in Explorers of the Infinite: Shapers of Science Fiction (Cleveland, Ohio: World Publishing Co, 1963)