Symonds, John
Alphabetical Checklist
- Away to the Moon (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: J B Lippincott Company, 1956)
- The Child: Prologue to an Earthquake (London: Duckworth, 1976)
- Dapple Gray: The Story of a Rocking-Horse (London: Harrap, 1962)
- The Guardian of the Threshold (London: The Pindar Press, 1980)
- Harold: The Story of a Friendship (London: J M Dent and Sons, 1972)
- The Isle of Cats (London: Werner Laurie, 1955)
- Lottie (London: The Bodley Head, 1957)
- The Medusa's Head; Or, Conversations Between Aleister Crowley and Adolf Hitler (London: The Pindar Press, 1991)
- The Shaven Head (London: Duckworth, 1973)
- Sidony (London: The Pindar Press, 1987)
- The Stuffed Dog (London: J M Dent and Sons, 1967)
- William Waste (London: Sampson Low, Marston and Company, 1947)
- "Zilpah" in The Collected Dramatic Works of John Symonds, Volume Two: The Lunatic Asylum is on Fire!; Zilpah (London: The Pindar Press, 1991)