Tawada Yōko
Chronological Checklist
- Nur da wo du bist da ist nichts – Anata no iru tokoro dake nani mo nai ["Nothing Only Where You Are"] (Tübingen, Germany: Verlag Claudia Gehrke, 1987)
- Inu muko iri (Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1993)
- Alphabet no Kizuguchi ["Wounds of the Alphabet" vt "St George and the Translator"] (Tokyo: Kawade Shobō, 1993)
- Seijo Densetsu ["Legend of a Saint"] (Tokyo: Ōta Shuppan, 1996)
- Futakuchi Otoko ["The Man with Two Mouths"] (Tokyo: Kawade Shobō, 1998)
- Opium für Ovid: Ein Kopfkissenbuch von 22 Frauen ["Opium for Ovid: A Pillow Book by 22 Women"] (Tübingen, Germany: Verlag Claudia Gehrke, 2000)
- Where Europe Begins (New York: New Directions, 2002)
- Exophony: Bogo no Soto e Deru Tabi ["Exophony: A Journey Outside My Native Language"] (Tokyo: Iwanami Shobō, 2002)
- The Bridegroom Was a Dog (Tokyo: Kōdansha, 2003)
- Das nackte Auge ["The Naked Eye"] (Tübingen, Germany: Verlag Claudia Gehrke, 2004)
- Facing the Bridge (New York: New Direction, 2007)
- The Naked Eye (New York: New Directions, 2009)
- Yuki no Renshūsei ["Studies in Snow"] (Tokyo: Shinchōsha, 2011)
- Yoko Tawada's Portrait of a Tongue, an Experimental Translation by Chantal Wright (Ottawa, Ontario: University of Ottawa Press, 2013)
- Etüden im Schnee (Tübingen, Germany: Verlag Claudia Gehrke, 2014)
- Kentōshi ["Emissary"] (Tokyo: Kōdansha, 2014)
- Memoirs of a Polar Bear (New York: New Directions, 2016)
- Chikyū ni Chiribamemarete ["Scattered All Over the Earth"] (Tokyo: Kōdansha, 2018)
- The Emissary (New York: New Directions, 2018)
- The Last Children of Tokyo (London: Granta, 2018)
- Ana-aki F no Hatsukoi Matsuri ["The First-Love Festival of Perforated F"] (Tokyo: Bungei Shunjū, 2018)
- Hoshi ni honomekasarete ["Suggested in the Stars"] (Tokyo: Kōdansha, 2020)
- Paul Celan und der chinesische Engel ["Paul Celan and the Chinese Angel"] (Tübingen: Konkursbuch, 2020)
- Scattered All Over the Earth (London: Granta, 2022)
- Taiyō Shotō ["Archipelago of the Sun"] (Tokyo: Kōdansha, 2022)
- Suggested in the Stars (New York: New Directions, 2024)
- Paul Celan and the Trans-Tibetan Angel (New York: New Directions, 2024)