Viereck, George S
Chronological Checklist
- The House of the Vampire (New York: Moffat, Yard and Company/The Premier Press, 1907)
- My First Two Thousand Years: The Autobiography of the Wandering Jew (New York: Macauley, 1928) with Paul Eldridge
- Salome: The Wandering Jewess (New York: Horace Liveright, 1930) with Paul Eldridge
- The Invincible Adam (New York: Horace Liveright, 1932) with Paul Eldridge
- Prince Pax (London: Gerald Duckworth, 1933) with Paul Eldridge
- All Things Human (New York: Sheridan House, 1948) as by Stuart Benton
- Gloria (London: Gerald Duckworth, 1952)
- The Nude in the Mirror (New York: The Woodford Press, 1953)
- Salome: My First 2000 Years of Love (New York: Ace Books, 1954) with Paul Eldridge