SFE entries by contributor
Malcolm Edwards [MJE]
22 solo entries or entry sections ... 149 *shared credits
Skip to letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y
- A Merritt's Fantasy Magazine *
- Abernathy, Robert *
- Ace Books *
- Ackerman, Forrest J *
- Advent: Publishers *
- Alien Critic, The *
- American Fiction *
- Analog *
- Arkham House *
- Arkham Sampler, The *
- Arno Press
- Asimov, Isaac *
- Astounding Science-Fiction *
- Avon Fantasy Reader *
- Avon Science Fiction and Fantasy Reader *
- Avon Science Fiction Reader *
- Baen, Jim *
- Ballantine Books *
- Bates, Harry
- Beyond Fantasy Fiction *
- Boardman, Tom *
- Boucher, Anthony *
- Bova, Ben *
- Browne, Howard *
- Burks, Arthur J *
- Campbell, H J *
- Campbell, John W, Jr *
- Captain Future *
- Captain Zero *
- Carcosa *
- Carr, Terry *
- Comet *
- Coney, Michael G *
- Conklin, Groff *
- Cooper, Edmund *
- Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine *
- Coven 13 *
- Crawford, William L *
- Crispin, Edmund *
- Dangerous Visions *
- DAW Books *
- de Camp, L Sprague *
- Delap's F & SF Review *
- Derleth, August *
- Dikty, T E *
- Doc Savage *
- Doc Savage [magazine] *
- Dr Yen Sin *
- Doherty, G D *
- Dream World *
- Dusty Ayres and His Battle Birds *
- Dynamic Science Stories *
- Elwood, Roger *
- Eshbach, Lloyd Arthur *
- Fanciful Tales of Time and Space *
- Fantasy Book *
- Fantasy Fiction
- Fantasy Press *
- Fantasy Publishing Company Inc *
- Fantasy Tales *
- Fanthorpe, R L *
- FAX Collector's Editions
- Ferman, Edward L *
- Ferman, Joseph W *
- Friend, Oscar J *
- Future Fiction *
- G-8 and His Battle Aces *
- Galaxy Science Fiction *
- Garland *
- Gilmore, Anthony
- Gnaedinger, Mary
- Gnome Press *
- Gold, H L
- Goldsmith, Cele
- Gregg Press *
- Hadley Publishing Company *
- Hall, Desmond W *
- Hamling, William L *
- Harrison, Harry *
- Hay, George *
- Healy, Raymond J *
- Herbert, Frank *
- Hornig, Charles D *
- Howard, Robert E *
- Hyperion Press *
- Infinity *
- Infinity Science Fiction
- Jakobsson, Ejler
- Ka-Zar *
- Knight, Damon *
- Kuttner, Henry *
- La Salle, Victor *
- Lanier, Sterling E *
- Laser Books
- Leiber, Fritz *
- Lupoff, Richard A *
- McComas, J Francis *
- McKenna, Richard M *
- MacLeod, Sheila *
- Margulies, Leo
- Marvel Science Stories *
- Marvel Tales
- Matter Duplication *
- Matter Transmission *
- Merwin, Sam, Jr *
- Miller, P Schuyler *
- Mills, Robert P *
- Mines, Samuel
- Miracle Science and Fantasy Stories *
- Mirage Press *
- Moore, C L *
- Mysterious Traveler Magazine, The *
- Mysterious Wu Fang, The *
- New Dimensions *
- New Writings in SF *
- Nova *
- Operator #5 *
- Orbit *
- Other Worlds *
- Out of This World Adventures
- Outlands *
- Page, Norvell W *
- Palmer, Raymond A *
- Phillips, Rog *
- Planet Stories *
- Pratt, Fletcher *
- Prime Press
- Publishing *
- QUARK/ *
- Quinn, James L *
- Quinn, Seabury *
- Rogers, Alva *
- Russell, Eric Frank *
- Satellite Science Fiction *
- Science Fiction Book Club *
- SF Horizons *
- SF Magazines *
- Science Fiction Stories *
- Scorpion, The *
- Serviss, Garrett P *
- Shasta Publishers
- Shaw, Larry T *
- Sheena, Queen of the Jungle *
- Sloane, T O'Conor *
- Spider, The *
- Star Science Fiction Stories
- Startling Stories *
- Stewart, George R *
- Stirring Science Stories *
- Strange Stories
- Strange Tales *
- Tate, Peter *
- Terraforming *
- Thrilling Wonder Stories *
- Time Paradoxes *
- Time Travel *
- Tops in Science Fiction *
- Tremaine, F Orlin
- Two Complete Science-Adventure Books
- Universe *
- Unknown *
- van Lorne, Warner
- Vance, Jack *
- Vanguard Science Fiction *
- Vortex *
- Vortex, The *
- Weisinger, Mort *
- Wollheim, Donald A *
- Worlds Beyond *
- Wright, Farnsworth *
- Young, Robert F *