Williams, David J
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1971- ) UK author whose Cyberpunk-flavoured Autumn Rain Trilogy – comprising The Mirrored Heavens (2008), The Burning Skies (2009) and The Machinery of Light (2010) – begins with the Near Future destruction of a Space Elevator and the assignment to protect America undertaken by two counterintelligence agents, who may have been memory-wiped (see Memory Edit). Their destruction of the insurgency known as Autumn Rain proves temporary, and the action escalates into Space Opera territory while below the American president is assassinated. The female protagonist (see Women in SF), who is capable of hacking into both Computer networks and human brains (see Dream Hacking), the Dystopian civilization of the Inner Planets comes to a breaking point on the Moon.
As David Constantine, Williams has produced a singleton, The Pillars of Hercules (2012), an Alternate History set at the time of Alexander the Great, whose tutor-mage Aristotle has invented fearsome Weapons and Golems (see Androids), all these devices being shadows of even deadlier weaponry hidden in lost Atlantis. Transformers: Retribution (2014) with Mark S Williams is a Tie to the Transformer universe, prequelling the various films (see Transformers – The Movie etc).
Williams's work as by David Constantine should not be confused with that of the poet and author David Constantine (1944- ), some of whose stories assembled in Under the Dam (coll 2005) and The Shieling (coll 2009) have fantastic elements. [JC]
David J Williams
born Hertfordshire: 5 March 1971
Autumn Rain Trilogy
- The Mirrored Heavens (New York: Bantam Spectra, 2008) [Autumn Rain Trilogy: pb/Paul Youll]
- The Burning Skies (New York: Bantam Spectra, 2009) [Autumn Rain Trilogy: pb/Stefan Martinière]
- The Machinery of Light (New York: Bantam Spectra, 2010) [Autumn Rain Trilogy: pb/Raphael Lacoste]
individual titles
- The Pillars of Hercules (San Francisco, California: Night Shade Books, 2012) as by David Constantine [pb/Daren Bader]
- Transformers: Retribution (New York: Random House/Del Rey, 2014) with Mark S Williams [tie to the series universe: see the film Transformers – The Movie and sequels: Transformers: pb/John Van Fleet]
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