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 Mike Resnick. Inferno: A Chronicle of a Distant World (New York: Tor, 1994)

 Mike Resnick. A Miracle of Rare Design: A Tragedy of Transcendence (New York: Tor, 1994)

 Elizabeth Scarborough. Bronwyn's Bane (New York: Bantam Books, 1983)

 Thomas N Scortia. Earthwreck! (Greenwich, Connecticut: Fawcett Gold Medal, 1974)

 Richard Setlowe. The Experiment (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980)

 Charles Sheffield. The Ganymede Club (New York: Tor, 1995)

 Cordwainer Smith. Norstrilia (Framingham, Massachusetts: NESFA Press, 1995)

 D Alexander Smith. Homecoming (New York: Ace Books, 1990)

 D Alexander Smith. Rendezvous (New York: Ace Books, 1988)

 Jonathan Strahan, editor. The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume Two (San Francisco, California: Night Shade Books, 2008)

 Mark Washburn. The Omega Threat (New York: Dell Books, 1980)

 James White. Final Diagnosis: A Sector General Novel (New York: Tor, 1997)

 James White. The Galactic Gourmet: A Sector General Novel (New York: Tor, 1996)

 James White. Lifeboat (New York: Ballantine Books, 1972)

 James White. Mind Changer: A Sector General Novel (New York: Tor, 1998)

 Walter Jon Williams. The Rift (New York: HarperPrism, 1999) as Walter J Williams

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