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10 captions matching link:black_christopher

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 Christopher Black. The Android Invasion (New York: Yearling Books, 1984)

 Christopher Black. The Cosmic Funhouse (New York: Yearling Books, 1984)

 Christopher Black. Dimension of Doom (New York: Yearling Books, 1985)

 Christopher Black. The Exploding Suns (New York: Yearling Books, 1984)

 Christopher Black. Galactic Raiders (New York: Yearling Books, 1984)

 Christopher Black. The Haunted Planet (New York: Yearling Books, 1985)

 Christopher Black. The Lost Planet (New York: Yearling Books, 1985)

 Christopher Black. Moons of Mystery (New York: Yearling Books, 1985)

 Christopher Black. Planets in Peril (New York: Yearling Books, 1984)

 Christopher Black. The Weird Zone (New York: Yearling Books, 1984)

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