SF Encyclopedia Picture Gallery
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E R Eddison. Egil's Saga: Done into English Out of the Icelandic with an Introduction, Notes, and an Essay on Some Principles of Translation (London: Cambridge University Press, 1930)
E R Eddison. A Fish Dinner in Memison (New York: E P Dutton and Co, 1941)
E R Eddison. The Mezentian Gate (London: The Curwen Press, 1958)
E R Eddison. Mistress of Mistresses: A Vision of Zimiamvia (London: Faber and Faber, 1935)
E R Eddison. Styrbiorn the Strong (London: Jonathan Cape, 1926)
E R Eddison. The Worm Ouroboros: A Romance (London: Jonathan Cape, 1922)
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