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 Buzz Aldrin and John Barnes. Encounter With Tiber (New York: Warner Books, 1996)

 Lou Anders, editor. Sideways in Crime (Nottingham, Nottinghamshire: BL Publishing/Solaris, 2008)

 Kevin J Anderson and Rebecca Moesta writing together as Gabriel Mesta. The Martian War: A Thrilling Eyewitness Account of the Recent Invasion As Reported by Mr. H.G. Wells (New York: Pocket Books, 2005)

 Poul Anderson. Collected Short Works of Poul Anderson, Volume Five: Door to Anywhere (Framingham, Massachusetts: NESFA Press, 2013)

 Poul Anderson. Collected Short Works of Poul Anderson, Volume One: Call Me Joe (Framingham, Massachusetts: NESFA Press, 2009)

 Poul Anderson. Collected Short Works of Poul Anderson, Volume Six: A Bicycle Built for Brew (Framingham, Massachusetts: NESFA Press, 2014)

 Poul Anderson. Collected Short Works of Poul Anderson, Volume Three: The Saturn Game (Framingham, Massachusetts: NESFA Press, 2010)

 Poul Anderson. Rise of the Terran Empire(New York: Baen Books, 2009)

 Poul Anderson. The Saturn Game (New York: Tor, 1989)

 Christopher Anvil. The Trouble With Aliens (New York: Baen Books, 2006)

 Christopher Anvil. The Trouble With Humans (New York: Baen Books, 2007)

 Neal Asher. Prador Moon: A Novel of the Polity (San Francisco, California: Night Shade Books, 2006)

 Neal Asher. Shadow of the Scorpion (San Francisco, California: Night Shade Books, 2008)

 Margaret Ball. Disappearing Act (New York: Baen Books, 2004)

 John Barnes. Kaleidoscope Century (New York: Tor, 1995)

 John Barnes. The Man Who Pulled Down the Sky (New York: Congdon and Weed, 1987)

 John Barnes. Mother of Storms (New York: Tor, 1994)

 John Barnes. Orbital Resonance (New York: Tor, 1991)

 John Barnes. Sin of Origin (New York: Congdon and Weed, 1987)

 William Barton. The Transmigration of Souls (New York: Warner, 1996)

 Stephen Baxter. Flux (London: HarperCollins, 1993)

 Greg Bear. Legacy (New York: Tor, 1995)

 Greg Bear and Gardner Dozois, editors. Multiverse: Exploring Poul Anderson's Worlds (Burton, Michigan: Subterranean Press, 2014)

 Greg Bear. Queen of Angels (New York: Warner Books, 1990)

 Gregory Benford, editor. Far Futures (New York: Tor, 1995)

 Gregory Benford. Sailing Bright Eternity (London: Victor Gollancz, 1995)

 John Betancourt, editor. The Best of Weird Tales (New York: Barnes and Noble, 1995)

 Terry Bisson. Pirates of the Universe (New York: Tor, 1996)

 James Blish. In This World, or Another (Waterville, Maine: Five Star Books, 2003)

 Robert Bloch. Out of My Head (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The NESFA Press, 1986)

 Ben Bova. The Best of Bova, Volume 1 (New York: Baen Books, 2016)

 David Brin and Leah Wilson, editors. King Kong is Back!: An Unauthorized Look at One Humongous Ape! (Dallas, Texas: BenBella Books, 2005)

 Eric Brown. Threshold Shift (Urbana, Illinois: Golden Gryphon Books, 2006)

 Fredric Brown. From These Ashes: The Complete Short SF of Fredric Brown (Framingham, Massachusetts: NESFA Press, 2001)

 Fredric Brown. Martians and Madness: The Complete SF Novels of Fredric Brown (Framingham, Massachusetts: NESFA Press, 2002)

 Algis Budrys. Hard Landing (New York: Warner Books, 1993)

 Lois McMaster Bujold. Dreamweaver's Dilemma (Framingham, Massachusetts: NESFA Press, 1996)

 Edward A Byers. The Babylon Gate (New York: Baen Books, 1986)

 John W Campbell, Jr. A New Dawn: The Complete Don A Stuart Stories (Framingham, Massachusetts: The NESFA Press, 2003)

 Terry Carr. Between Two Worlds (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The NESFA Press, 1986)

 Jeffrey A Carver. Roger Zelazny's Alien Speedway 1: Clypsis (New York: Bantam Books/Byron Preiss Books, 1987)

 Marc Cerasini. Godzilla 2000 (New York: Random House, 1997)

 Jack L Chalker. Kaspar's Box (New York: Baen Books, 2003)

 C J Cherryh. Forge of Heaven (New York: HarperCollins/Eos, 2004)

 C J Cherryh. Hammerfall (New York: HarperCollins/Eos, 2001)

 Deborah Chester. Lucasfilm's Alien Chronicles: The Crimson Claw (New York: Ace Books, 1998)

 Deborah Chester. Lucasfilm's Alien Chronicles: The Crystal Eye (New York: Ace Books, 1999)

 Hal Clement. Intuit (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The NESFA Press, 1987)

 Paul Cook. Fortress on the Sun (New York: Penguin/Roc, 1997)

 John Cramer. Twistor (New York: William Morrow, 1989)

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