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17 captions matching link:smith_george_h

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 George H Smith. 1976 – Year of Terror (Los Angeles, California: Art Enterprises/Epic, 1961)

 George H Smith. The Coming of the Rats (Los Angeles, California: Art Enterprises/Epic, 1961)

 George H Smith. Doomsday Wing (New York: Monarch Books, 1963)

 George H Smith. Druids' World (New York: Avalon Books, 1967)

 George H Smith. Fever Hot Woman (Chicago, Illinois: Novel Books, 1962)

 George H Smith. The Forgotten Planet (New York: Avalon Books, 1965)

 George H Smith. The Four-Day Weekend (New York: Belmont Books, 1966)

 George H Smith. The Island Snatchers (New York: DAW Books, 1978)

 George H Smith. Kar Kaballa (New York: Ace Books, 1969)

 George H Smith and M Jane Deer writing together as M J Deer. A Place Named Hell (Hollywood, California: International Publications/France Book, 1963)

 George H Smith. Scourge of the Blood Cult (Los Angeles, California: Art Enterprises/Epic, 1961)

 George H Smith. Second War of the Worlds (New York: DAW Books, 1976)

 George H Smith, anonymously. Sex Machine (no place identified: Ram Books, circa 1967)

 George H Smith. Sexodus (Hollywood, California: Imperial Publishing/Boudoir Books, 1963) as by Jerry Jason

 George H Smith. Those Sexy Saucer People (San Diego, California: Greenleaf Classics, 1967) as by Jan Hudson

 George H Smith. The Unending Night (New York: Monarch Books, 1964)

 George H Smith. Witch Queen of Lochlann (New York: New American Library/Signet Books, 1969)

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