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Brian M Stableford, editor. Tales of the Wandering Jew: A Collection of Contemporary and Classic Stories (Sawtry, Cambridgeshire: Dedalus, 1991)
Brian Stableford. Tangled Web of Time (Cabin John, Maryland: Wildside Press, 2016)
Brian Stableford. To Challenge Chaos (New York: DAW Books, 1972)
Brian Stableford. The Tree of Life and Other Tales of the Biotech Revolution (San Bernardino, California: The Borgo Press, 2007)
Brian Stableford. The Truths of Darkness (United Kingdom: Snuggly Books, 2019)
Brian Stableford. The Tyranny of the Word (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2019)
Brian Stableford. The Undead: A Tale of the Biotech Revolution (San Bernardino, California: The Borgo Press/Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press, 2010)
Brian Stableford. Valdemar's Daughter: A Romance of Mesmerism (San Bernardino, California: The Borgo Press/Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press, 2010)
Brian Stableford. Vampires of Atlantis: (A Love Story) (Cabin John, Maryland: Wildside Press, 2016)
Brian Stableford, editor. The Vermilion Book of Occult Fiction (United Kingdom: Snuggly Books, 2022)
Brian Stableford. A Vision of Hell (Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press, 2012)
Brian Stableford. The Walking Shadow: A Promethean Scientific Romance (Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press/The Borgo Press, 2013)
Brian Stableford. The Walking Shadow (London: Fontana, 1979)
Brian Stableford. War Games (London: Pan Books, 1981)
Brian Stableford. The Way to Write Science Fiction (London: Elm Tree Books, 1989)
Brian Stableford. The Wayward Muse (Encino, California: Hollywood Comics/Black Coat Press, 2005)
Brian Stableford, editor. Weird Fiction in France: A Showcase Anthology of its Origins and Development (Encino, California: Black Coat Press, 2020)
Brian Stableford. The Werewolves of London (London: Simon and Schuster, 1990)
Brian Stableford. Wildeblood's Empire (New York: DAW Books, 1977)
Brian Stableford, editor. The World Above the World: Nine French Proto-Science Fiction Stories from 1862 to 1890 (Encino, California: Black Coat Press, 2011)
Brian Stableford. The World Beyond: Being a Sequel to S Fowler Wright's Classic Science Fiction Novel, "The World Below" (San Bernardino, California: The Borgo Press/Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press, 2009)
Brian Stableford. Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction (Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press/Borgo Press, 2011)
Brian Stableford. Xeno's Paradox: A Tale of the Biotech Revolution (San Bernardino, California: The Borgo Press/Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press, 2011)
Brian Stableford. Year Zero (Mountain Ash, Wales: Sarob Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2000)
Brian Stableford. Yesterday Never Dies: A Romance of Metempsychosis (San Bernardino, California: The Borgo Press/Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press, 2013)
Brian Stableford. Yesterday's Bestsellers (San Bernardino, California: The Borgo Press, 1998)
Brian Stableford. Young Blood (London: Simon and Schuster, 1992)
Brian M Stableford. Zaragoz (Brighton, Sussex: GW Books, 1989) as by Brian Craig
Brian M Stableford. Zombies Don't Cry: A Tale of the Biotech Revolution (San Bernardino, California: The Borgo Press/Rockville, Maryland: Wildside Press, 2011)
Phil Stephensen-Payne. Brian Stableford: Genetic Revolutionary: A Working Bibliography (Leeds, West Yorkshire: Galactic Central Publications, 1997)
Edmond Thiaudière. Singular Amours (Tarzana, California: Black Coat Press, 2018)
C F Tiphaigne de la Roche. Amilec and Other Satirical Fantasies (Encino, California: Black Coat Press, 2011)
Simon Tyssot de Patot. The Strange Voyages of Jacques Massé and Pierre de Mésange (Encino, California: Black Coat Press, 2015)
Louis Ulbach. Prince Bonifacio and Other Stories (Encino, California: Black Coat Press, 2013)
Théo Varlet. The Castaways of Eros (Encino, California: Black Coat Press, 2013)
Théo Varlet. The Golden Rock (Encino, California: Black Coat Press, 2012)
Théo Varlet and Octave Joncquel. The Martian Epic (Encino, California: Black Coat Press, 2009)
Théo Varlet and André Blandin. Timeslip Troopers (Encino, California: Black Coat Press, 2012)
Théo Varlet. The Xenobiotic Invasion (Encino, California: Black Coat Press, 2011)
Pierre Véron. The Merchants of Health and Other Fantastic Stories (Encino, California: Black Coat Press, 2015)
Paul Vibert. The Mysterious Fluid (Encino, California: Black Coat Press, 2011)
James White. Beginning Operations (New York: Tor/Orb, 2001)
S Fowler Wright. S Fowler Wright's Short Stories (London: Fowler Wright Books, 1996)
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