Incoming Links Report
The entry Interactive Narrative is linked from 158 other SFE entries as follows.
- 4X Game
- Adjustment Bureau, The
- Adventure
- Albion
- Aliens Versus Predator
- Alternate Reality Game
- Anachronox
- Another World
- Archimedean Dynasty
- B.A.T.
- Battlecruiser 3000 AD
- Battlezone
- Beast, The
- Beneath a Steel Sky
- Beyond Good & Evil
- Bioforge
- Bioshock
- Board Game
- Borderlands [game]
- Buck Rogers XXVC
- Call of Cthulhu
- Captain Blood
- Choose Your Own Adventure
- Chrono Trigger
- Circuit's Edge
- City of Heroes
- Command & Conquer
- Computer Role Playing Game
- Computer Wargame
- Costikyan, Greg
- Crawford, Chris
- Crimson Skies
- Cryostasis
- Crysis
- Cyborg [game]
- Dark Earth
- Dead Space
- Destroy All Humans!
- Deus Ex
- Dig, The
- Dishonored
- Doom
- Elite
- Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
- EVE Online
- Fahrenheit 451 [game]
- Fallout
- FEAR: First Encounter Assault Recon
- Fighting Fantasy
- Final Fantasy
- First Person Shooter
- Freedom Force
- Freelancer
- Freespace
- Front Mission
- Frozen Synapse
- Full Motion Video
- Full Throttle
- Galactic Civilizations
- Galactic Saga
- Game Design
- Gamebook
- Gamer
- Games
- Gears of War
- Gene Machine, The
- Gorey, Edward
- .hack
- Half-Life
- Halo: Combat Evolved
- Heavy Gear
- Hollow Earth Expedition
- Homeworld
- Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising
- Hypertext
- Independence War: The Starship Simulator
- Independent Games
- Infinite Space
- It Came from the Desert
- Jackson, Shelley
- John Carter: Warlord of Mars
- KULT: The Temple of Flying Saucers
- Last of Us, The
- Longest Journey, The
- Machinarium
- Manhunter
- Maniac Mansion
- Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle
- Marathon Trilogy
- Mass Effect
- Mercenary
- Metal Gear
- Metaltech
- Metro 2033
- Metroid
- Mirror's Edge
- Mixon, Laura J
- Nomad Soul, The
- Oni
- Online Worlds
- Outcast
- Pathologic
- Perfect Dark
- Perimeter
- Phantasy Star
- Planetfall
- Portal
- Prototype
- Rage
- Red Faction
- Remember Me
- Resident Evil
- Resistance: Fall of Man
- Resonance of Fate
- Rogue Galaxy
- Role Playing Game
- Sakaguchi Hironobu
- Savage Worlds
- Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
- Sentinel Worlds
- Shadow of Memories
- Shadowrun
- Skyrealms of Jorune
- Snatcher
- Space Rangers
- Space Sim
- Spore
- Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl
- Stalking the Night Fantastic
- Star Control
- Star Ocean
- Star Saga
- Star Wars: The Old Republic
- Starcraft
- Starflight
- Strange Adventures in Infinite Space
- Syndicate
- System Shock
- Tex Murphy
- Time Zone
- Timequest
- To the Moon
- Torg
- Trust and Betrayal: The Legacy of Siboot
- Universe [game]
- Unreal
- Videogame
- Wargame
- Warhammer 40,000
- Wasteland
- Wing Commander
- Wings out of Shadow
- Worlds in Balance
- X-Com
- Xenoblade Chronicles
- Xenogears
- Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders