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Pseudonym of the unidentified French author (?   -?   ) of a Future War novel, La guerre final, histoire fantastique (1885; trans Brian Stableford as The Final War: A Fantastic Story coll 2014), whose name on the title page is expanded to Barillet-Lagargousse, Ingénieur destructeur ["Engineer of Destruction"]. The English translation also includes a twenty-part feuilleton, "Batailles navales de l'avenir" ["Naval Battles of the Future"] (1895 La Science Illustre) by Maurice Loir (1852-1924), describing warfare in the Mediterranean. The Final War is set within a 1934 frame story, though it begins in a near Near Future 1890s world, and climaxes in the portrayal of a vast armaments factory, a "Utopia" according to its owner, whose Inventions are numerous enough to warrant his setting out to conquer the troubled world, in order to bring peace. The conflicts depicted are premonitory of – though they do not accurately anticipate the Weapons or nature – of World War One; The Final War is one of the first novels to give some sight of the abyss to come. [JC]





Entry from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2011-current) edited by John Clute and David Langford.
Accessed 05:00 am on 23 January 2025.