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(1880-1969) Russian-born physician and author, seemingly in US from an early age. His only novel, The Split Atom: Last Human Pair on Earth, the Whirling of Ideas (1946), presents an allegorical vision of the course of human and divine history, as told to a new godling by its parents; after various rewritings of history, and disquisitions on unrelated topics, the tale climaxes in the nuclear destruction of Earth (see End of the World), with the exception of a dislodged fragment, an enclave where a Last Man scenario unfolds into an Adam and Eve parable (the last male's wife's name is Eva). [JC]
born Russia: 31 July 1880
died Los Angeles, California: 17 July 1969
Entry from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2011-current) edited by John Clute and David Langford.
Accessed 17:42 pm on 8 February 2025.