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Benson, Gordon, Jr

(1936-1996) US bookseller, publisher and bibliographer who released the first of his many solo Bibliographies of sf figures in approximately 1980; early bibliographies such as that of Jack Williamson (?1980 chap) were privately published from Albuquerque, New Mexico, with no designated publisher imprint. In 1983 he moved into partnership with UK bibliographer Phil Stephensen-Payne, whom see not only for authors treated in collaboration but for Benson's solo titles released or reissued in the Galactic Central Small Press imprint's Bibliographies for the Avid Reader series. By the late 1980s Benson had become relatively less active, although he continued to participate with Stephensen-Payne in many projects. His earlier bibliographies were sometimes technically deficient in their presentation of data, but in factual terms he was scrupulously trustworthy, and later editions of early publications, as well as projects dating from about the mid-1980s, are far more user-friendly. Benson's solo bibliographical work covers the following authors: Poul Anderson*, Michael Bishop*, Leigh Brackett, A Bertram Chandler*, Hal Clement, Edmond Hamilton, Harry Harrison*, Fritz Leiber, Edgar Pangborn*, H Beam Piper*, Margaret St Clair*, William Tenn*, Wilson Tucker*, Manly Wade Wellman*, James White* and Jack Williamson*. Solo bibliographies were revised for the Galactic Central Bibliographies for the Avid Reader series, listed under Phil Stephensen-Payne (again whom see); starred authors above were revised collaboratively. [JC/DRL]

Gordon Kent Benson Jr

born 11 May 1936

died Albuquerque, New Mexico: 13 August 1996



For Galactic Central Bibliographies for the Avid Reader titles, see Phil Stephensen-Payne.


Entry from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2011-current) edited by John Clute and David Langford.
Accessed 02:13 am on 27 July 2024.