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Dial, Judith K
Working name of Judith Klein-Dial (? - ), US author of computer manuals [not listed below] and editor of a number of genre Anthologies in collaboration with Thomas A Easton. The first of these was the Prediction-themed Visions of Tomorrow: Science Fiction Predictions That Came True (anth 2010). [DRL]
Judith Klein-Dial
works as editor
One-Sitting Reads
- Science Fiction for the Throne: One-Sitting Reads (New York: Fantastic Books, 2017) with Thomas A Easton [anth: One-Sitting Reads: pb/Alvin Helms]
- Fantasy for the Throne: One-Sitting Reads (New York: Fantastic Books, 2018) with Thomas A Easton [anth: One-Sitting Reads: pb/Alvin Helms]
individual titles as editor
- Visions of Tomorrow: Science Fiction Predictions That Came True (New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2010) with Thomas A Easton [anth: pb/]
- Impossible Futures (Auburn, Massachusetts: Pink Narcissus Press, 2013) with Thomas A Easton [anth: pb/Duncan Eagleson]
- Conspiracy!: An Anthology of Original Science Fiction Stories (Framingham, Massachusetts: NESFA Press, 2016) with Thomas A Easton [anth: pb/Bob Eggleton]
Entry from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2011-current) edited by John Clute and David Langford.
Accessed 17:01 pm on 11 February 2025.