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First Fandom Hall of Fame

A fan Award presented annually since 1963 by First Fandom, for contributions over 30 or more years to the field of science fiction. Such contributions may be as a fan, writer, editor, artist, agent, or any combination of these. This honour may be given to living persons or posthumously; each year now normally features Hall of Fame additions in both categories.

The award is one of several which by fan tradition have been presented at Worldcon as an overture to (or during an interlude in) the Hugo ceremony, although more recently there has been a tendency to minimize the length of this event by presenting lesser-known awards as a separate programme item. The First Fandom Hall of Fame should not be confused with the later-established Science Fiction Hall of Fame, although a number of people have received both honours: for example, three of the Science Fiction Hall of Fame's first four inductees – John W Campbell Jr, Hugo Gernsback and Jack Williamson – also appear below. [DRL]

see also: Longevity in Writers.



Entry from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2011-current) edited by John Clute and David Langford.
Accessed 06:14 am on 12 February 2025.