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Pseudonym of UK author Thomas Willes Chitty (1926-2014), whose career as a novelist extends from 1952, when he was not very plausibly associated with the "Angry Young Men" (more a journalistic invention than a literary movement) which included Kingsley Amis and Colin Wilson. Ninety Double Martinis (1963), understandable as Fantastika though not explicitly, anatomizes an extremely dark subtopian England in terms that evoke Franz Kafka and anticipate – particularly in its depiction of a nightmarishly stuck-in-time car crash – the later J G Ballard. His one work of specific sf interest, Daymare (1980), takes a Dystopian view of labour unrest and the distress caused by strikes to rural areas, his iteration of these Clichés being typical of the Mainstream Writer of SF. [JC]
born Felixstowe, Suffolk: 2 March 1926
died East Grinstead, West Sussex: 7 March 2014
Entry from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2011-current) edited by John Clute and David Langford.
Accessed 17:52 pm on 15 February 2025.