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Hunt, H L

(1889-1974) Polyprogenitive US oil tycoon, and author of the Alpaca sequence comprising Alpaca (1960) and Alpaca Revisited (1967), which begins as a romantic excursion into the eponymous Utopian kingdom, then becomes a more formal set of arguments designed to keep lands such as Alpaca free from dictators. Chief among these is the suggestion that voting rights be weighted in favour of the age and wealth of the voter. Taxes will be minimal. A utopian land will be constructed out of small cells whose citizens (no more than 2000 to each Keep) live protectively close to one another. [JC]

Haroldson Lafayette Hunt Jr

born Ramsey, Illinois: 17 February 1889

died Dallas, Texas: 29 November 1974





Entry from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2011-current) edited by John Clute and David Langford.
Accessed 17:42 pm on 15 February 2025.