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Port Sinister

Film (1953; vt Beast of Paradise Isle UK). American Pictures Company/RKO Radio Pictures. Produced by Aubrey Wisberg and Jack Pollexfen. Directed by Harold Daniels. Written by Wisberg and Pollexfen. Special effects by Jack Rabin. Cast includes Paul Cavanagh, Lynne Roberts, William Schallert and James Warren. 65 minutes. Black and white.

Port Royal was a pirate stronghold on an unnamed Caribbean Island which sank during an earthquake in the seventeenth century and whose reappearance is now predicted by Scientist John Kolvac (Cavanagh); an expedition to study it is prepared. A series of earthquakes duly raises the sunken City above the sea; but the expedition is hijacked by several criminals, including Collins (Schallert), who mean to retrieve the treasure legend says was hidden there. Arriving, everyone is soon menaced by Monsters in the form of giant crabs that kill some of the Villains, while earthquake shocks continue. Finally, the scientists escape by aeroplane as a major tremor sends Port Royal back Under the Sea, taking the remaining villains with it. [GSt]


Entry from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2011-current) edited by John Clute and David Langford.
Accessed 02:05 am on 5 May 2024.