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An sf Convention held for the most part annually in the greater Boston region of Massachusetts, founded in 1987 by Bob Colby and Eric Van, and (unusually) run by a revolving committee (including for several years both Colby and Van). Readercon has from the beginning maintained a loose association with the New England Science Fiction Association (NESFA), but is not organizationally linked with that group, or other regional conventions run by NESFA, like Boskone. Though individual members of the committee have performed different functions over the years, and new members join regularly, a result of this continuity has been a noticeable consistency in the nature of programming, which focuses (as its name implies) on written sf; continues to honour an initial decision to eschew gaming, masquerades, art shows or banquets; and maintains a broad-church attitude regarding the nature of sf and the agendas appropriate to the form. In part because of these factors, a high proportion of attending members returns regularly. Readercon was for many years held at the same hotel, though a new venue was selected for 2016. Attendance is normally 800-1000.
The Cordwainer Smith Rediscovery Award has been presented during the convention since 2002; the Rhysling Award from 2005 to 2011; and the Shirley Jackson Awards (see Shirley Jackson) from their inception in 2007. The convention's own Readercon Awards were presented from 1987 to 1993 by the Small Press Writers and Artists Organization in categories which varied but had an overall focus on Small Press publications. [JC]
see also: Back Brain Recluse; Journal Wired; Science Fiction Eye.
This list excludes Memorial Guests of Honour.
further reading
Entry from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2011-current) edited by John Clute and David Langford.
Accessed 12:41 pm on 21 January 2025.