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Science Fiction Oral History Association

A non-profit US corporation (SFOHA for short) founded in 1975 with the aim of preserving aspects of sf history in audio-recorded form. The SFOHA's remit is to tape and archive Interviews and other oral material (including Convention speeches) relevant to the history and working of sf as both subculture and literature; against the studied disinclination of Fandom to perform this ongoing task with any consistency, the SFOHA has grown into an essential record of inherently evanescent (but vital) material. Its official activities comprise seeking out and where necessary re-engineering past audio recordings of sf relevance; recording and acquiring recordings of current events, which may be specially arranged by SFOHA as recording opportunities; and donating copies of recordings to official depositories for preservation. Lloyd Biggle Jr, brought the organization into being and served as its president and prime mover for many years until his death in 2002. SFOHA's work was acknowledged by a special committee award (see Hugo) from the 1988 Worldcon.

The SFOHA website [see links below] gives further details of activities and a catalogue of available recordings. SFOHA also produces a regular online Audiozine or podzine, The Space Dog Podcast. [DRL/JC]

further reading


Entry from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2011-current) edited by John Clute and David Langford.
Accessed 22:57 pm on 9 February 2025.