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Sierra i Fabra, Jordi

(1947-    ) Prolific science fiction, fantasy, horror and mainstream writer, mainly of Young Adult literature and books for children in Spanish and Catalan. He has published more than fifty fantastic-themed books in Spain and Latin America, out of more than five hundred published books. His works have been translated into more than twelve languages and some of them adapted for Cinema, Television and Theatre.

Sierra started his literary career in 1970s writing articles and reviews in music magazines and biography books on pop and rock bands. In sci-fi stands out the best-seller El Ciclo de las Tierras ["Earth Cycle"], a trilogy whose plot takes place in a distant future where humans and machines, who saved humanity from the Holocaust, are equal before the law. In En un lugar llamado Tierra ["In a Place Called Earth"] (1983), winner of the Gran Angular Award in 1983, a man is accused of the murder of a machine. Regreso a un lugar llamado Tierra ["Return to a Place Called Earth"] (1986) tells how humanity rebels against the slavery of machines and both separate their destinies. Finally, in El testamento de un lugar llamado Tierra ["The Testament of a Place Called Earth"] (1986) two robots escape from the machine world to search for their human creators at the edge of the universe. The plot is inspired by Asimov's The Caves of Steel starring a humanoid robot named Balhissay and has two tie-in novels: Crónica de Tierra 2 ["Chronicle of Earth 2"] (2005) and Cuando la lógica falla, el Sistema llama a ... Zuk-1 ["When Logic Fails, the System Calls ... Zuk-1"] (1989).

Another important adult sf novel is En Canarias se ha puesto el sol ["The Sun Has Set in the Canary Islands"] (1979), winner of the Ateneo de Sevilla Award in 1979, a gritty political thriller set in 1985 Spain, where a terrorist group threatens to blow up a train loaded with radioactive material in Barcelona. Edad: 143 años ["Age: 143 Years Old"] (1990) poses a scenario where the ethical dilemma of Immortality through cryogenics is debated.

In his Young Adult sf there are adventure plots such as the Galactic Patrol series, slightly inspired by Asimov's Lucky Starr series, Dystopias such as Arkadya ["Arkadya"] (2016) or Palmyra ["Palmyra"] (2018) and murder plots such as Las voces del futuro ["Voices of the Future"] (1998). In fantasy, the series Las hijas de las tormentas ["Daughters of the Storms"] stands out, set in exotic places and starring a Lara Croft-style heroin who desperately searches for her parents. Among his latest works is La mente más prodigiosa ["The Most Prodigious Mind"] (2019), a Sherlock Holmes story set in a near future.

Jordi Serra i Fabra is the most widely read living author in schools in Spain. He has received numerous awards and prizes for his work, including the Cervantes Chico Award in 2012, the Lazarillo Award in 2019, Gold Medal for Merit in Fine Arts from the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Spain, Creu de Sant Jordi of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Ibero-American Prize for Children's and Youth Adult Literature, etc. In 2004 he created the Jordi Sierra i Fabra Foundation in Barcelona and Medellín (Colombia) to help young writers at the beginning of their career and encourage reading among young people. [MV]

Jordi Sierra i Fabra

born Barcelona, Spain: 26 July 1947



Ciclo de las Tierras ["Earth Cycle"]

Zack Galaxy

Patrulla galáctica ["Galactic Patrol"]

Las hijas de las tormentas ["Daughters of the Storms"]

individual titles



Entry from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2011-current) edited by John Clute and David Langford.
Accessed 17:42 pm on 10 February 2025.