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Smith, Sherri L

(1971-    ) US film developer, specializing in animation, and author, primarily of fiction for the Young Adult market, gaining some notice fo the nonfantastic Flygirl (2010), about a young African-American woman who passes for white during World War Two in order to fly in a noncombatant role (women were barred from combat roles during that conflict). Of sf interest is Orleans (2013), set in the Near Future; a prologue details a sequence of devastating hurricanes (see Climate Change), starting with Katrina in 2006, climaxing in an act of separation in 2025 caused by a deadly "Delta Fever". In this new nation, whose population is divided into groups according to blood type, the young protagonist must protect her loved ones, an obligation which requires her to leave Orleans itself for the badlands beyond. The historical continuity with our own world, and the original setting, mark the tale off from most of its competitors. [JC]

Sherri L Smith

born Chicago, Illinois: 1971

works (selected)


Entry from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2011-current) edited by John Clute and David Langford.
Accessed 11:26 am on 6 May 2024.