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Toudouze, Georges-Gustave

Working name of French journalist, playwright and author Henry Georges Edouard Toudouze (1877-1972), many of his novels being for children. Som of these contain at least some fantastic interest, including Le Petit Roi d'Ys ["The Little King of Ys"] (25 January-28 June 1913; 1914; trans Michael West as King of the Undersea City 1938 chap), whose archaeologist protagonist discovers an ancient kingdom Under the Sea (see Lost Race). [JC]

Henri Georges Édouard Toudouze

born Paris: 22 June 1877

died Paris: 4 January 1972

works (highly selected)


Entry from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2011-current) edited by John Clute and David Langford.
Accessed 12:43 pm on 25 April 2024.