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Tringham, Neal

(1966-    ) UK Videogame developer and occasional designer, former astrophysicist and Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. He has worked on a number of games, among them Aliens Versus Predator (1999), Taito Legends (2005 Empire Interactive, PS2, Win, XBox) – a collection which transposed various older works to newer machines, including several variants of Space Invaders – and the fantastical Adventure / God Game hybrid Ghost Master (2003 Sick Puppies, Mac, Win) designed by Gregg Barnett, Chris Bateman. In print, he was an editor of the Bloomsbury Good Reading Guide to Science Fiction and Fantasy (1989) (see M H Zool) and a contributor to the second edition of this encyclopedia; he wrote the numerous Games entries for the third edition. Edited, expanded and revised for book publication, a selection from these entries that deal with tabletop gaming franchises has appeared as Science Fiction Hobby Games: A First Survey (2013); a similarly based volume dealing with Videogames is Science Fiction Video Games (2014). [NT/DRL]

Neal Roger Tringham

born Wimbledon, London: 26 February 1966


works as editor


Entry from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2011-current) edited by John Clute and David Langford.
Accessed 01:38 am on 27 July 2024.