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Van Loon, Hendrik Willem

(1882-1944) Dutch-born historian and author, permanently in the US from 1919 when he was naturalized; he is best known for The Story of Mankind (1921), written (unlike H G Wells's almost simultaneous undertaking) primarily for children. His first work of sf interest was "If the Dutch Had Kept Nieuw Amsterdam" (in If It had Happened Otherwise: Lapses into Imaginary History, anth 1931; vt If: or History Rewritten 1931, ed J C Squire), which speculates about early New York. Invasion [for subtitle see Checklist below] (1940) is a Near Future tale of World War Two, told from the perspective of 1960, and depicting a failed Invasion of America. [JC]

Hendrik Willem Van Loon

born Rotterdam, Netherlands: 14 January 1882

died Old Greenwich, Connecticut: 11 March 1944



Entry from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2011-current) edited by John Clute and David Langford.
Accessed 10:48 am on 7 May 2024.