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Willett, Edward

(1959-    ) US-born actor, journalist and author, in Canada from the age of eight; he has also written as by Lee Arthur Chane and E C Blake, and under the House Name Adam Blade. He began to publish work of genre interest with "The Rescue" in JAM for 1983, and began to release primarily Young Adult novels, several of them fantasy, with Soulworm (1997), an sf tale set partly in a Parallel World, where the eponymous Monsters corrupt the minds of victims, and in Saskatchewan, where Maribeth, a young woman in a coma, awakens when an opponent of these mindworms, having been thrust through a portal into Canada, is now sharing her mind by Identity Transfer. The worms are defeated in the end. The protagonist of Andy Nebula: Interstellar Rock Star (1999; vt From the Street to the Stars 2020), which is set in the Near Future, must defend his integrity against Drug lords from space. Lost in Translation (2005) describes a moderately savage conflict between Homo sapiens and an Alien civilization on a planet both are attempting to colonize (see Colonization of Other Worlds); two empath translators eventually effect a healing. Magebane (2011) as by Lee Arthur Chane Equipoisally threatens a Ruined Earth with a return of Magic. Right to Know (2013) is a Space Opera involving an encounter between colonists on a slower-than-light World Ship and other humans who have outdistanced them via Faster Than Light travel developed since their long journey began. The City at the heart of The Cityborn (2017) is a Generation Starship.

Willett's one series to date – the Helix War sequence comprising Marseguro (2008) and Terra Insegura (2009), both assembled as The Helix War (omni 2009) – again places two species on a colony planet, Homo sapiens and the Selkie, the latter Genetically Engineered from human stock, and therefore abominated by the theocracy back on Earth (see Religion); the war between the conjoined colonists and a punitive Invasion from Earth is actively conveyed.

As an author of nonfiction, Willett has specialized in computer manuals and popular science texts for younger readers. His two introductions to writers of interest – J R R Tolkien: Master of Imaginary Worlds (2004) and Orson Scott Card: Architect of Alternate Worlds (2006) – were also directed to the young adult market. [JC]

Edward Willett

born Silver City, New Mexico: 20 July 1959



The Helix War

Shards of Excalibur

The Masks of Aygrima

Peregrine Rising


individual titles

collections and stories

nonfiction (highly selected)

works as editor


Shapers of Worlds


Entry from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2011-current) edited by John Clute and David Langford.
Accessed 21:00 pm on 17 February 2025.