Haars, Peter
Alphabetical Checklist
- Happy Biff ["Happy Biff"] (Oslo, Norway: Pax, 1972)
- Kutt, eller: Den negative helt som medium ["Cut, or the Negative Hero as a Medium"] (Oslo, Norway: Gyldendal Norsk, 1979)
- Nattjegere ["Night Hunters"] (Oslo, Norway: Gyldendal Norsk, 1975) with Per G Olsen
- Prokon ["Prokon"] (Oslo, Norway: Pax, 1971)
- Pygmalion og andre avskyelige noveller ["Pygmalion and Other Disgusting Stories"] (Oslo, Norway: Gyldendal Norsk, 1977)
- Reisen til Ai-Po-Tu ["The Journey to Ai-Po-Tu"] (Oslo, Norway: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1978)